Change the Color of Product and Compare Prices on Debutify
Sometimes, you may want to change the color of the product price or compare prices on your Debutify store. However, unlike other Shopify themes, Debutify does not have the option to change these prices separately. But don't worry, you can still achieve this by using a Custom style/script (CCS).
How to Change the Color of Product and Compare Prices?
Access your Shopify Admin's Theme Library to open the theme customizer.
Go to Theme Settings. Select Customer style/script (CCS).
There's a text box where you can paste your CSS code.
To change the color of the product and compare prices, paste the following code in the box:
span#ProductPrice {
color: COLORHERE ;
span#ComparePrice {
color: COLORHERE ;
Replace the text 'COLORHERE' with the hex code or name of the color you want to use for your product and compare prices.